Installation, social sculpture, performative event, as part of Ghetto Biennale #3, Port au Prince, Haiti.
It was also performed for opening of Documenta 15, 2022 in Kassel, Germany in collaboration with John Cussans, Dungeon Acid/Jean Louis Huhta, Claude Saintilus, Ghetto Biennale & Atis Rezistans. LINK HERE >>
The artwork was created in collaboration with Swedish/Hong Kong artist Joyce Ip as a BLOT project (www.blot.se), together with Jean-Louis Huta as Dungeon Acid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Louis_Huhta) and Nanna Dalunde under the guise of XKLUB #5
The artwork operated as a social sculpture, installation, and an immersive interactive performance consisting in a one off block party. It centered around the contruction and use of a pink runaway/catwalk open for the local inhabitants of the neighbourhood St Claire/Grand Rue, alongside the general public and the participating artists of the Ghetto Biennale #3, 2018. The catwalk was constructed as an extension of the Dungeon Acid Soundsystem combining his live sets of modular acid techno with local devotioal Vodou drummers, such as local artist Claude Santulus.
For the performance event a set of handpainted signs, posters and flyers were created and exposed in the public areas, down town Port au Prince.
>Dungeon Acid :: The Move ((Point Chaud Mix))
Installation, social sculpture, performative event, as part of Ghetto Biennale #3, Port au Prince, Haiti.
It was also performed for opening of Documenta 15, 2022 in Kassel, Germany in collaboration with John Cussans, Dungeon Acid/Jean Louis Huhta, Claude Saintilus, Ghetto Biennale & Atis Rezistans. LINK HERE >>
The artwork was created in collaboration with Swedish/Hong Kong artist Joyce Ip as a BLOT project (www.blot.se), together with Jean-Louis Huta as Dungeon Acid (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Louis_Huhta) and Nanna Dalunde under the guise of XKLUB #5
The artwork operated as a social sculpture, installation, and an immersive interactive performance consisting in a one off block party. It centered around the contruction and use of a pink runaway/catwalk open for the local inhabitants of the neighbourhood St Claire/Grand Rue, alongside the general public and the participating artists of the Ghetto Biennale #3, 2018. The catwalk was constructed as an extension of the Dungeon Acid Soundsystem combining his live sets of modular acid techno with local devotioal Vodou drummers, such as local artist Claude Santulus.
For the performance event a set of handpainted signs, posters and flyers were created and exposed in the public areas, down town Port au Prince.
>Dungeon Acid :: The Move ((Point Chaud Mix))