Ghetto Biennale #2, Port au Prince, Haiti, 2011

A sitespecific inventory and research on local bat populations in some parts of downtown Port au Prince, Haiti. The material was presented as an installation of sculptural works made of circular screens freckled by guano (resembeling the full moon, a screening of a film work  consisting in sound- and video recordings of bats ad local folclore related to bats, a series of  mediasamples in composition and  a poster campaign. 


The research based workings centered around notions of the environment and the the biotope, in relation to local tropes of othering and heritages of animist sensibilities.

Video link (detail) >>

In the film there is two popular hymns sung by older generation citizens (a man and a woman) in Port au Prince, in different ways reffering to flying shapeshifters. One being worshipful about the Vodou God Agaou, the other cursing about flying loupgaru. Both reflecting on sentiments of flight, longing, hardships and relief.

Traces of Tomorrow - The Guano Interpellations
(video still collage),  C-Print, 2012.



Agaou mw pito (mwen pito) vole o
Agaou I rather fly

Agaou  mw pito vole, pass l’djab mache
Agaou I rather fly, so the devil won’t eat me

Papa mw pito vole yo
Papa I rather fly

Agaou  mw pito vole, pase l’djab mache
Agaou I rather fly, so the devil won’t eat me

Agaou  mw pito vole o

Agaou I rather fly

Agaou  mw pito vole, pase l’djab mache
Agaou I rather fly, so the devil won’t eat me

Agaou  mw pito vole, Pase l’djab mache
Agaou I rather fly, so the devil won’t eat me

A mue o

Oh my

Sec o m’ap mage

I am asking for help

A mue o

Oh my

Sec o m’ap mage

I am asking for help 

La plen di nor(?) treie tambou a batr namayol, se cou m’ap mage
The plains of the north I was in (hard in hard) drum ”namaoyol” , I ask for help.

Agaou  mw pito vole o

Agaou I rather fly

Agaou  mw pito vole, Pase l’djab mache
Agaou I rather fly, so the devil won’t eat me

Papa mw pito volé
Father I would like to fly

Agaou  mw pito vole, Pase l’djab mache
Agaou I rather fly, so the devil won’t eat me

Agaou  mw pito vole o

Agaou I rather fly

Agaou  mw pito vole, Pase l’djab mache
Agaou I rather fly, so the devil won’t eat me

